Song 546: The Girl in the Picture (Napalm Girl)

Songwriting - Popular Music - Song 546: The Girl in the Picture


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she's only a child
a running, naked child
so vulnerable

she's only 'bout nine
thin and so fine
so destructable

she runs scarified
her arms swung out wide
to relieve the pain


she lives in Trang Bang
where fire falls from the skies
down Highway One
there's a girl that screams and cries


and she's running
always running
they call her the Napalm Girl
but she never gives in
trying to get some peace in this world
saved by the click of a camera
she is the girl in the picture


there's fire all around her
and fire inside
'it's too hot, too hot'

she rips off her clothes
but the heat only grows
it's living under her skin

she's frozen in time
'cause she still burns your mind
when you look at her


she lives in Trang Bang
where fire grows on the trees
down Highway One
there's a little girl pleading for peace


and she's running
always running
this little napalm girl
but she never gives in
trying to get some peace in this world
she's so strong she can burn your mind
she is the girl in the picture


she lives in Trang Bang
where fire rains from the sky
but she never gives in
trying to get some peace in this world


and she's running
always running
they call her the Napalm Girl
but she never gives in
trying to get some peace in this world
always understanding
this little child of war

she is the girl in the picture


Writer(s):© Eric Geurts

Artist(s):Eric Geurts

Artist Country:Belgium



'The Girl in the Picture' is based on the novel by Kim Phuc called “Fire Road”, about the life of Kim, once known as the screaming 9-year-old girl in the world-famous black and white picture taken by Nick Ut after a napalm bomb attack by US troops in North Vietnam. Kim Phuc is now UNESCO Goodwill Ambassador for Culture and Peace and chair of the Kim Foundation International, a not-for-profit organization established to fund programs for children around the world who are victims of war.

Theme(s):War, Peace, Faith, Vietnam war

Explicit Content?NO


Documentary, World Sorrow, World Harmony, Dramatic Soundtrack





Sad, Admiring, Compassion



Original Key:A


Format:Band / Ensemble 

Tonal Quality:Acoustic

Vocal Mix:Male vocals, male backing vocals, children choir

Featured Instrument(s):

drums, electric guitars, double bass, piano, string quartet

Sounds like:

Sting, Lou Reed

Year Recorded:2021


Available (currently Flying Snowman



SABAM / Online Depot (Belgium) - IP 00132036716

ISRC code:BEX172100006

Master Owner:Flying Snowman Records

Youtube link: 

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Contact e-mail:email 

Contact phone:phone


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