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While there are many profiles out there of the Marshall JVM410, most of them concentrate on sounds with the heavy metal player in mind. This "Classic 410's" pack is fit for Classic Rock and other styles, but (maybe) not so for heavy metal. This pack includes 84 profiles that represent my personal settings of the JVM410H: One setting per channel/mode with 3 different speakers (so 12 x 3 = 36) normal profiles, a direct profile (12), and the merged profiles with the 3 different speakers (so 12 x 3 = 36). 

A small introduction about these amps (taken from the manual) :
This is a four-channel amp, and each channel has 3 modes: Green, Orange and Red.

- CLEAN GREEN MODE: this is the cleanest of the three modes and, in keeping with traditional clean amps, it uses a simple and straightforward circuit, keeping the signal as pure as possible. In this mode the channel’s VOLUME control is taken out of circuit as is the case in vintage amplifiers of this nature. This is the only mode where this happens.

- CLEAN ORANGE MODE: By adding another gain stage after the tone stack we get a punchier sound that’s easy to overdrive. As in the rest of the modes the channel’s VOLUME control is now active.

- CLEAN RED MODE: This mode pushes the original clean sound even more and trans-forms into a pseudo high gain channel with the addition of yet another gain stage after the tone stack.In keeping with the classic clean amps of yesteryear, all three modes on this channel feature what is known as a pre-gain tone stack (i.e. the tone network lies before the channel’s main gain stage). The reverse (i.e. the tone network being after the main gain stage) is typical of most Marshall amplifiers and, as a result, the CLEAN channel’s tone controls work in a slightly different way than you might expect; in addition to controlling the tone of the channel they also affect how it reacts in terms of gain, allowing you to shape how the signal distorts. For example, turning up the MIDDLE control on higher GAIN settings will focus the distortion there, making your sound ‘sing’ in a traditional blues/rock way. Also, because of the channels’ ‘tone then gain’ topology, when a lot of GAIN is dialled in (especially in the case of the red mode), it may appear that its tone controls aren’t doing as much as you’d expect or sound over distorted. This is because the signal is being distorted after the tone stage, minimising the effectiveness of the BASS, MIDDLE and TREBLE controls.

- CRUNCH CHANNEL: At this point JVM4 reverts to the more typical Marshall preamp circuit characteristic of ‘gain then tone’. This is also true of the OD1 and OD2 channels.
- CRUNCH GREEN MODE: This mode shares the preamp topology of the classic Mar-shall JTM45/1959 Plexi™ models (i.e.: gain + gain + tone) but with a bit more gain than is found in the originals.
- CRUNCH ORANGE MODE: This mode is reminiscent of the JCM800 2203 amplifier, a staple of hard rock. The gain structure is gain + gain + gain + tone.
- CRUNCH RED MODE: This shares the topology of the orange mode, but with more gain, giving you sounds similar to a hot-rodded JCM800.

- OD1 GREEN MODE: This is very similar to the hot-rodded JCM800 sound found in crunch red mode, allowing you to dial-in two distinctly different yet similar crunch sounds if you so wish - one in each channel.
- OD1 ORANGE MODE: This adds another gain stage to the OD1 green mode, resulting in a sound that’s perfect for singing leads and hard rock/heavy metal tones.
- OD1 RED MODE: Adds more gain to the OD1 orange for a high gain Marshall sound.

- OD2 CHANNEL: This channel is similar to the OD1 channel but with even more gain and a slightly different tone network with the middle control shifted down to being centred around 500hz instead of the more typical Marshall value of 650hz. The result is 3 high gain modes that are ideal for both lead and modern rhythm metal tones.


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"Note: All product names and trademarks are the property of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with Flying Snowman Productions. Product names are used solely for the purpose of identifying the specific products that were studied during Flying Snowman Production's sound profiling process. Use of these names does not imply any co-operation or endorsement. You are purchasing a license to use these profiles for your own personal and/or professional use but profiles are not for resale or for any other unlicensed distribution, free or compensated. The Flying Snowman Production profiles simply seek to re-create the sound of the stomp boxes and amplifiers listed and any use of brand names is strictly for comparison purposes."
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Kemper Testimonies

Suseguitar from Kemper forum:
I had a chance to play one of the profiles (037508) yesterday in our rehearsal room, played my Strat with Quarterpounds ;) - the solosound is just awesome, assertive, supporting and inspiring. Great work!

Ibot39 from Kemper forum:
After testing the profiles my conclusion is: The pack does exactly what the author is advertising. You get the Blackmore sound from the mentioned era. Humbuckers are possible, other 70s rock-sounds with a little tweaking. But the real soul of this pack is authentic Blackmore-tone! For this it was created with an ear for details and this is were the rigs shine! Thanks for the nice pictures that complement this special pack. I have to highlight the pdf that comes with the profiles offering very detailed information. Great!

Laker from Kemper forum:
These profiles are the real deal IMHO.

Riddlescott from Kemper Forum:
I like it the better the longer i play it. What i also appreciate is the tasty effects settings. Highly recommended for the real Marshall Bluesy Staccato Strat Sound.

raiellojr from Kemper forum:
I like the pack a lot...a little tweaking and I can get real close to your sound samples.

Laker from Kemper forum:
Only the one amp a Marshall Major but it sounds like the real deal. These profiles are outstanding. Everything they make sounds great. What I really like about them is their sound samples sound just like what you download. IMHO a lot of other profilers do not sound the same.

Acolbourn from Kemper forum:
For Frusciante profiles I tried flying snowman's more black pack listed above and they sound great!

Razorpig55 from Kemper forum:
I spent a ton of time searching for the right “blues” tones and happened on your site.  I really love the pack ('60 Pack) I downloaded, especially the FS ’60 B1001pa......nice, crunchy and just a bit mellow.  I’m going to post your site on the reddit site for Kemper.......have a great one thanks for the great tones.

Kungsmas from Kemper forum:
Extremely great stuff. Among the best vintage Marshall profiles ever.

Michael Worsnup from Facebook Group "Kemper Tips and Tricks":
Got the original pack & just downloaded the new one sound great with my strat Blackmore always been my favorite guitarist and they really nail his sound!

Milano (per email): 
Thank you for providing this great product. The profiles are really good, great job man! Shoot me a message when MORE BLACK PACK 3 releases, I'll be first in line to buy it from you.

Timothy (via mail):
You really did an excellent job. I'm working through the profiles and am very impressed!

BadBadger from Kemper forum:
Great tones and great playing too in your YT video!

@stevegardiner8473 on YouTube:
These profiles sound really close to the original tones.

dxmayer from Kemper forum:
I have to say, as great as the amp itself is, your profiling is what really brings this Marshall Major to life. Even with high gain, the clarity and voice of the guitar shines through. It’s one of the best profiles of a Marshall I’ve played. Very nice tone crafting! Oh, and a very generous selection of song specific profiles, too, in addition to main amp files.

Jun (via email):
I am truly amazed that I can now produce the guitar sound of Ritchie Blackmore from the Marshall Major, which I have admired for so long. I deeply appreciate you for creating such a high-quality profile.